
Dezember 16, 2015

BSA Cardiac Rehabilitation Program Certified by Industry Leader

BSA Health System is proud to announce the certification of its BSA Cardiac Rehabilitation program by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR). BSA Cardiac Rehab was recognized for its commitment to improving the quality...

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Dezember 14, 2015

Ovarian Cancer Care At Home

Sydna Hamilton, 65, lives and works on a farm. Staying active is not only a choice, it is part of her lifestyle. However, she started to notice something was a little off. “When I climbed the stairs, I began to notice I was tired,” Sydna says. “That’s ...

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November 18, 2015

Diabetes Diagnosis Wake up Call for Weight Loss

Throughout her adult life, Genia James struggled to control her weight. She tried many different diets with some success, but found they would only work in the short term. Prior to her weight loss surgery, she had been diagnosed as insulin-dependent diabetic. ...

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Juli 8, 2015

New Pharmacy Programs Aim to Avoid Medication Errors

According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), medication non-compliance is the number one cause of readmissions to hospitals. One study showed that more than half of patients at hospitals nationwide had an error in their medications, such ...

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Juni 19, 2015

Healthy & Affordable Grocery Shopping for Men

June is Men’s Health Month, so we reached out to our dietician to get some information for how men can eat right, but not spend too much money. Here are her ten tips for eating right in an affordable way:Plan Menus & Make a List: A sure way to overspend is b...

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März 30, 2015

Why do we suffer from allergies?

After a lingering winter, spring is a welcome change. However, as warmer weather returns and the horizon is dotted with the fresh green color of budding leaves on trees, spring’s not-so-welcome companion, allergies, moves back in and takes a gripping hold on...

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März 12, 2015

Thankful for the Correct Diagnosis

Last week, the Cazares family came to the BSA Emergency Department to say “Thank you” - but what a thank you it was. One year ago on February 21, 2014, they brought their five-year-old son, Calen, to the Emergency Department for nausea and a headache loca...

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Februar 23, 2015

BSA Cardiac Rehab Veteran Shares His Story

Jimmy McClure’s journey to and through BSA cardiac rehab has taken its fair share of twists and turns. He initially began the program in 2010 to help with congestive heart failure. With medication and current treatment, “I just wasn’t getting any better,...

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Februar 18, 2015

It Starts Today

The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery shares an inspirational video following the stories of three individuals who chose weight loss surgery to overcome their struggels with obesity. BSA is an accredited Bariatric Surgery Center of Excelle...

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Februar 13, 2015

4 Ways to a Healthier You

Cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke can be attributed to two out of three deaths in the United States every year. However, many of these deaths could be prevented if we made healthier food choices, got more exercise and stopped smoking, according to th...

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