
  • Februar 10, 2015

    Common Misconceptions of Cardiac Rehab

    You have just survived a heart attack or are recovering from a cardiac procedure and are advised by your cardiologist from the side of your hospital bed that you need to begin a cardiac rehab program. You may be thinking, “what’s cardiac rehab?” or “I’ve exercised all my life - I can do this on my own.” A medically-supervised cardiac rehab program customized to your specific health considerations and goals may be very different from your perceptions of cardiac rehab.

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  • Januar 21, 2015

    How Patients Have More Options in Wound Care with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy


    Linda Bernard was almost out of options. She is a diabetic and was suffering from a chronic wound on her foot. Her health care providers had tried many of the traditional wound care treatments with limited results. Finally, she was told that an amputation might be necessary if significant progress could not be made.

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  • November 11, 2014

    Diabetes – A Life-Changing Diagnosis

    “My first thought was that I had some dreaded disease,” Glen Wagner, 53 says of the day his doctor told him it was time to start insulin. “That really opened my eyes.” Glen, a 20-year veteran in the medical field, working as a paramedic and in facilities management, lived a life on the go. Meals were often from a drive-thru. There was little to no formal exercise, even though he would describe his lifestyle as physically active with his work. After 30 years, Glen quit smokeless tobacco cold turkey a few years prior to that doctor’s appointment. Yet, it all caught up to him by his late 40s.

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  • Oktober 14, 2014

    Taking Back Control after a Breast Cancer Diagnosis

    It is the moment you feel you have completely lost control. “Dr. Bentley told me I had breast cancer,” says Mavis Jennings of that moment for her at Harrington Breast Center on an October day in 2012. She was called back after a regularly scheduled mammogram looked suspicious. A second mammogram and sonogram revealed a hidden reality for the then 66-year old with no family history of breast cancer. With her husband by her side, Mavis remembers the room filling with familiar faces as the realization began to set in that she had no idea what to do next.

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  • Oktober 2, 2014

    Surviving Breast Cancer and Helping Others at Harrington Breast Center

    Preceded by the words, “You have breast cancer,” comes a call requesting to schedule a follow-up appointment after what appears to be an abnormal mammogram. For patients on the other end of the line, it is the moment their heart sinks and fears and worries go into overdrive. “Most every day someone knows I’m a survivor,” says Brenda Graham, RN, recall nurse at the Harrington Breast Center. Brenda is the person on the other end of the line when the patient needs to come back in for a follow-up appointment or biopsy.

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  • August 7, 2014

    The Power of One

    Trace Brown has worked in Patient Transport for only three months, but he has already made a big difference in the life of one patient.  When he was transporting a patient, he realized that the patient was blind and deaf.  His wife was also deaf.  Trace knows sign language, so he started a conversation with the man’s wife. She shared with Trace how frustrating it has been to communicate her husband’s needs to the staff and the physician.

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  • Juli 1, 2014

    4th of July Safety


    Family, friends, food and fireworks – Fourth of July is America’s holiday to celebrate our freedom and patriotism. For many, the traditions remain generation after generation. Backyard barbeques, watching fireworks and spending a long weekend together mark one of summer’s most memorable holidays. This year, keep your family safe with these simple tips:

    Safe Swimming

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  • Juni 18, 2014

    Weight Loss Warrior

    Many people who have difficulty controlling their weight say that they have been heavy their entire lives.  April Hernandez does not fit into that mold.  She was fit and active growing up.  She enjoyed activities such as running and hiking, and she was a baton twirler in high school.  So how does someone who is healthy and enjoys being active develop a weight problem?  A combination of factors led to her seemingly impossible uphill battle with weight.

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  • Mai 22, 2014

    New Research on Benefits of Mediterranean Diet for Blood Pressure


    It has been widely reported that following a Mediterranean diet is beneficial for heart health. Now researchers are looking into how it helps lower blood pressure. The British study was recently reported in Proceedings of the National Academy of Scienceswhere authors say it is the combination of unsaturated fats and nutrient-rich vegetables. This diet allows for a group of fatty acids to block a particular enzyme, resulting in lower blood pressure.

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