
  • Spotting the Warning Signs of Stroke Critical for Successful Treatment

    Do you know the warning signs for a stroke? Would you recognize them in someone else? What about yourself? We often think if something like a stroke has occurred, we would realize it immediately, right? As it turns out, nearly 70 percent of people who have suffered a minor stroke don’t recognize the symptoms at all. Seeking medical treatment within the first three hours is critical to successful treatment. However, according to a study published in the journal Stroke, 30 percent of stroke patients wait more than 24 hours to contact their doctor or head to the emergency room.

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  • Mai 30, 2023

    Patient Experiences the Award-Winning BSA Stroke Center

    BSA Health System is excited to announce it has earned the Primary Plus Stroke Center designation by DNV. This new certification and the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association's Get With The Guidelines®-Stroke Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award reflects BSA’s commitment to providing high-quality services for patients when seconds matter most.

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  • August 17, 2022

    Questions & Answers about Breastfeeding

    New moms have lots of questions about breastfeeding, so we asked the leader of our BSA Lactation program to answer some of the most common questions.

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  • Mai 18, 2022

    Types of Stroke

    Strokes not only have many effects on the victim, but they also have many causes. There are five types of stroke: ischemic, hemorrhagic, transient ischemic attack (TIA), cryptogenic and brain stem.

    • Ischemic strokes are the most common type of stroke, accounting for 87% of stroke cases. These strokes occur when blood flow to the brain is blocked by a clot in the blood vessels.

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  • Januar 31, 2022

    BSA Cardiac Rehab Serves as Support for Local Resident

    In April 2021, Terri Fry began experiencing severe pain in the middle of her back. Unsure of what was causing the pain, Terri drove to BSA Urgent Care Center. While there, Terri was informed she was experiencing a major heart attack. She was taken to the hospital for immediate treatment.

    “They said one artery was 100 percent clogged and another one was 90 percent clogged,” Terri shared. “I received two stents and spent a total of 14 days in the hospital.”

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  • Oktober 11, 2021

    Help Your Heart’s Health Through Blood Pressure Monitoring

    It is estimated that nearly 46% of Americans have high blood pressure, making them more likely to have a heart attack or stroke. Knowing how to take your blood pressure accurately and how to evaluate the reading can be lifesaving.

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  • September 30, 2021

    Prayers from BSA Provider Bring Peace to Pregnant Mother

    Angelina Ramsay recently developed a cough and suspected she may have contracted COVID-19. She explained that the thought of having COVID-19 while pregnant at 35 weeks with her second child was scary, but that upon her arrival at BSA Urgent Care Center, she immediately felt safe, comfortable and cared for.

    “Everyone at the clinic, whether checking me in, taking my vitals or testing me for COVID, were just so sweet,” Angelina shared.

    Daniel Kern, BSA Urgent Care Center Nurse Practitioner, helped care for Angelina during her visit.

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  • September 29, 2021

    The Importance of “Golden Hour” After Giving Birth

    The moments and hours after giving birth are filled with many different emotions, ranging from joy to discomfort. This is a beautiful time, and an integral time for mother and baby, known as the “golden hour.” This is a pivotal time as the mother will experience her first instance of uninterrupted skin-to-skin contact with her newborn. Should a mother choose to try breastfeeding her baby, this sets the stage for the journey to come.

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  • August 19, 2021

    BSA Volunteer Continues to Brighten the Days of Others’ After 15 Years

    At the urging of a friend from church who was already involved with the program, Stephanie B., a voracious reader and beach-lover, accepted an invitation to volunteer her time at BSA. Now, Stephanie is a 15-year veteran of the program.

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  • August 5, 2021

    60 Second Sleep Tip – How Much Sleep You Need

    The amount of sleep that you should get largely depends on your age.


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