
  • September 9, 2019

    BSA Provides a Safer Delivery Option for New Mothers

    New mothers are challenged by the risks that come with being prescribed opioids following childbirth, specifically after Cesarean sections (C-section). According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecology, one in every 300 women who has never taken an opioid before giving birth will continue to take opioids a year after surgery.

    It's possible to perform C-sections without the use of opioids⁠— and BSA is on board.

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  • September 9, 2019

    Amarillo Mother Experiences Two Unique Deliveries at BSA

    Following her Cesarean delivery (C-section) with her firstborn in 2013, Aly Hall was certain of one thing— she would deliver at BSA again if she had the opportunity.

    “After our firstborn, I knew if I had another baby we would deliver at BSA. Our doctor and team of nurses were incredible,” Hall explained.

    When it came time to deliver, the new mom-to-be felt at ease knowing she was in the care of an attentive staff.

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  • August 29, 2019

    Breastfeeding Answers from Your BSA Lactation Consultant

    Breastfeeding is a great way to provide your baby with a variety of nutrients that help to keep them healthy. But if you are a first-time breastfeeding mom, undoubtedly you have many questions or concerns.

    That's why we asked Tiffany Bateman, RN, BSN, IBCLC, our BSA lactation consultant, to answer some common breastfeeding questions.

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  • August 12, 2019

    Summer Colds vs. Allergies

    Sometimes the common symptoms of a cold —runny nose, coughing, scratchy and sore throat, fever and body aches—can overlap with what we think are the signs of seasonal allergies.

    Knowing the difference between a cold and an allergy can help you treat the root cause of your symptoms. Common colds are caused by viruses, whereas allergies are an immune system’s response to environmental triggers, known as allergens.

    Colds are more likely to cause:

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  • Juli 29, 2019

    Milk Matters: Mom's Meal Plan While Breastfeeding

    Breastfeeding is a great way to provide your baby with a variety of nutrients that help to keep your baby healthy. While breastfeeding, it is important to keep up with your own health as well.

    Follow the tips below to help you stay healthy while breastfeeding.


    Get Those Calories

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  • Juli 23, 2019

    Surviving a Summer Pregnancy in Texas

    A summer pregnancy in the Texas Panhandle may not always be the easiest. It is normal for expectant mothers to feel uncomfortable and overheated. While carrying your little one, your body is working overtime to cool down and the heat doesn’t help. That is why it is so important for pregnant women to take proper precautions, so overheating does not happen during pregnancy, which can lead to heat exhaustion and heatstroke. The most common symptoms of heat exhaustion (which can lead to heatstroke) include headache, dizziness, pale skin, profuse sweating, weakness and fainting.

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  • Juli 23, 2019

    Weight Loss Surgery at BSA Gives Mom New Lease on Life

    For years, Chylo Graham was on a diet rollercoaster and wanted desperately to step off.

    “I had tried all diets and my body just wouldn’t cooperate,” Graham explained. “Every time I would lose 15 pounds, I would gain back 30.”

    At 27 years old, Graham weighed 265 pounds. The mother of four struggled to keep up with her children and husband on hikes and when visiting amusement parks.

    “I got on a ride once and they told me I couldn’t ride because the seatbelt wouldn’t buckle,” Graham shared.

    The excess weight was also taking a toll on her feet.

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  • Juni 27, 2019

    Gruver Man is Thankful for BSA's Exceptional Care during Open-Heart Surgery

    Russ Chisum, 64, was on his way to meet his wife and sister in Panhandle, Texas, when he began experiencing severe discomfort in his chest.

    “During the drive I stopped for gas and when I got back into the car, something felt very wrong,” Chisum said. “It started feeling like there was a belt tightening around my chest.”

    This was not his first time experiencing discomfort in his chest. In the weeks prior, Chisum could barely catch his breath while walking or climbing stairs.

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  • Juni 27, 2019

    Hernias Happen – BSA Can Help

    A hernia occurs when there is a weakness or hole in the muscle wall, allowing a bulge of tissue to protrude through the muscle.

    The symptoms of a hernia may include a dull ache, feeling of weakness, heaviness, pressure or a burning sensation in the abdomen, groin or scrotum. A soft bulge may develop, typically getting worse as the day goes on.

    The most common types of hernias are inner groin, outer groin, belly button, surgical scar site and upper stomach. Inner groin hernias are the most common type of hernia, and account for 75% of abdominal wall hernias.

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  • Juni 27, 2019

    Summer: The Perfect Season for Men to Improve Their Health

    June, known for the start of summer, is also National Men’s Health Month. During summer months, men are encouraged to practice preventive health measures and improve their health. 

    As temperatures begin to rise for the summer months, one important preventive health measure men can practice is protecting their skin from the sun.

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