Stroke Center

Seconds Matter During a Stroke 

At BSA, we understand that every second matters when it comes to stroke. As a Certified Primary Plus Stroke Center, BSA provides rapid and individualized treatment, ensuring the best possible stroke care. BSA takes care of patients throughout all stages of a stroke, from emergency care to rehabilitation. We are proud to have the most highly qualified medical professionals and facility for stroke patients, including a fully equipped ER for emergency patients, an inpatient and outpatient therapy center for recovering patients, and the professionals and resources to provide prevention education.

Our goal is to treat stroke patients and restore them to their highest level of physical, social, cognitive and emotional independence, as well as help prevent any future stroke-related medical problems. Trust the stroke experts at BSA when it comes to the care of you or your loved ones. When seconds matter most, choose BSA.

24/7/365 Thrombectomy Coverage

In addition to standard-setting stroke care, BSA provides 24/7/365 access to interventional radiologists in two dedicated bi-plane radiology suites. Having multiple radiologists and an experienced call team available ensures that patients receive advanced care in a timely manner. Our One Call team can accept stroke referrals at 806-212-7000 or 800-888-8332. 

Stop Strokes Before They Happen

BSA Health System is the only facility in the region designated as a 2019 TransCarotid Artery Revascularization (TCAR) Center of Excellence by Silk Road Medical, Inc. TCAR, a minimally invasive carotid artery repair surgery, reduces the risk of stroke in high-risk surgical patients with carotid artery disease. 

As compared with traditional carotid artery repair procedures, TCAR:

  • Leaves smaller scars
  • Offers patients faster recovery times
  • Results in less tissue damage

For more information on TCAR, please click here. 


To become a Certified Primary Plus Stroke Center, BSA engaged in evaluation by the Det Norske Veritas Healthcare Group (DNV GL). This certification affirms BSA's readiness to provide for stroke-related medical problems with a high level of expertise and a full spectrum of care including diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and education. The requirements to receive a Primary Plus Stroke Center Certification are based on the most current recommendations from the Brain Attack Coalition (BAC), American Heart Association (AHA), American Stroke Association (ASA) and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) conditions of participation.

Setting the Gold Standard for Stroke Care 

BSA received the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Get With The Guidelines®-Stroke Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award for 2024. Facilities that receive this prestigious recognition are top-performers in stroke care and prevention. 

To qualify for this award, BSA met specific quality achievement measures for 24 consecutive months including:

  • Providing patients with sufficient educational materials to promote health management after discharge
  • Scheduling follow-up visits or any needed transitional care interventions
  • Using the proper medications and treatment plans for stroke patients


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