Vickie Burns, a long-standing employee at BSA, spends her time off crocheting to give back to her co-workers. A self-taught crocheter, Burns, started crocheting blankets with the intention of giving one to her co-worker who was welcoming a new baby at BSA.
Her idea of making blankets to help fellow BSA employees celebrate happy occasions started last Autumn.
“The idea came from years of volunteering in our community and deciding to make a difference right here at BSA,” says Burns.
After sharing her idea, Burns soon had help from multiple BSA departments to make it a reality. The Women’s Center and Spiritual Care help to coordinate and deliver the blankets to the families. The first blanket was delivered at the beginning of the year along with a little note from the crocheter herself.
“Initially the gift was going to be anonymous,” Burns said. “However, I was encouraged to include a hand-written note to welcome the new arrival to the BSA Family.”
Blankets are kept ready and waiting for any new arrivals. Burns has over 20 blankets at home, so no baby will go without. To keep it interesting, she doesn’t stick to just pink and blue for her color palette.
“There is no set color scheme,” says Burns. “My all-time favorite yarn is the variegated that produces a beautiful palette of blended colors.”
Burns says she has no plans for stopping and looks forward to continuing to share the handmade gifts with happy parents.