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Home » BSA Volunteer Continues to Brighten the Days of Others’ After 15 Years

BSA Volunteer Continues to Brighten the Days of Others’ After 15 Years

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At the urging of a friend from church who was already involved with the program, Stephanie B., a voracious reader and beach-lover, accepted an invitation to volunteer her time at BSA. Now, Stephanie is a 15-year veteran of the program.

We spoke with Stephanie about her experience and what volunteering at BSA means to her.

“One of my favorite things about volunteering here is just getting to be with such awesome people,” Stephanie said. “It gives my day purpose and leaves me feeling fulfilled. The people are the true reward. There is something special about people who help others. I’ve made many new friends who have enlarged and blessed my world.”

An average day in the life of a volunteer may seem uneventful at times, but the rewards are plentiful when extraordinary moments happen while volunteering.

“Like everything else, volunteering has its mundane moments and fun times,” Stephanie said. “I clean and straighten shelves, but then I get to visit with others who share their stories of happiness or pain. Also, I literally get to stop and smell the flowers before delivering them! Volunteering has made me more grateful and appreciative.”

Through volunteering, Stephanie and her fellow volunteers are able to lend a hand to patients and staff. Helping to lighten the load of others and comfort those in need motivates Stephanie and her peers every day.

“We try to brighten everyone’s day,” Stephanie said. “A smile and a moment to listen are easy to give.”